The journey of Sree Sarada Ashrama was commenced from a dilapidated house at 19, Varanasi Ghosh Street. A group of ladies lived there to build up their lives in the way of solidarity with the principles of Sree Ramakrishna, SreeSreeMaa and Swamiji.Smt. Asharani Mukhopadhyay was the main person among them with pleasant and strong personality.
A meeting was arranged there on the birth anniversary of Holy Mother to inspire allthe woman to accept Sacrifice, Restraint and Service as the main goal of life. Personalities like Asharani Mukhopadhyay, Shatadal Ghosh, Tarulata Mukhopadhyay, Sudhamoyee Sengupta, PromeelaBasu, Hemaprabha Debi, Ramala Chakraborty, Kalpana Ghosh and Shantirani Debi were present in the meeting. It was decided in the meeting that a centre is needed for their future activities andSreeSreeSaradeswariNibas was established eventually.
Smt. Sudharani Sengupta was the Secretary and Asharani Mukhopadhyay took the responsibility of Asst. Secretary & Treasurerof the organisation. Accounts was maintained and examined by professional Auditor. Gradually number of the students increased to stay and study in ashrama environment. Due to space scarcity in the house at Varanasi Ghosh Street,they thought to construct a new house on own land for more accommodation. As they thought they started to collect moneyby printing coupons as their fund was very insufficient.
Through all adversities and relentless effort of every member, a new house,‘Saradeswari Chhatri Nibas’ was established on 22nd December, 1944. Swami Birajananda Maharaj blessed abundantly his affectionate disciple Asharani. He told his disciple that this organisation has been established for a noble mission,so the name ‘Saradeswari Chhatri Nibas’ is not appropriate for the purpose. So the name “Saradeswari Chhatri Nibas’ was changed to “Sree Sarada Mohila Ashrama’.
On 24th December, 1944 Asharani accepted the responsibility of secretary of the new organisation. Again, a proposal of changing the name was raised by some members. Asharani told that initially the word ‘Mohila’ was necessary but later it could be excluded. Lizel Remo suggested that the word “Mohila” brings a kind of narrowness in western culture. Unanimously the old name was changed and renamed as ‘Sree Sarada Ashrama’. Asharani Mukhopadhyay resigned from the post of secretary and joined Nivedita School with 18 members of the organisation. All responsibilities were conferred upon Mira Debi and Bani Debi, the direct disciple of SreeSreeMaa.